Category Archives: News

DIe kleinere Verpuffung

Warum Frankfurts Stadtteil Fechenheim früher 56 Vereine hatte, weshalb die dortige Hühnerfarm keine ist und was es sonst mit kleineren Verpuffungen so auf sich hat, das weiß alles Harry Hoppe.

hr 2019 | 35 Min. | Erstsendung
[“A Smaller Deflagration”: Translation not available]

1950 zugezogen als “Eingeplackter”, betätigt er sich in Fechenheim seitdem als Berater, Seniorensicherheitsbeauftragter, Blumengießer, Vereinsgründer und vieles mehr. Die in Berlin lebende Performerin und Radiomacherin Gabi Schaffner, 1965 in Frankfurt geboren und in Fechenheim aufgewachsen, lässt in ihrem Hessen-Hören-Stück den Klang ihrer ersten Heimat vor allem durch Harry Hoppe erzählen, ummantelt, über- und untermalt durch Vor-Ort-Geräusche. Der Dank der Autorin gilt: Harald Hoppe, Richard Schaffner, dem Verein Vereinigte Geflügelzüchter 1897 und dem Tierschutzverein Frankfurt und Umgebung von 1841.

Sendung: hr2-kultur, The Artist’s Corner, 11.01.2020, 23:00 Uhr.

Sneeze Music Performance / Editon

A record player dressed up as a ghost? NEW PANDEMIC MUSIC and the Sneeze Symphonies of Mauricio Pucci finally stepped into the open. The 30 min of lecture performance included the introduction of his (her) life and work as well as the playing of “Fazoletto per un Eternità” and “Moccio Oscuro”. For the first time ever, the mysterious copy of his original shellac disc surfaced.

The performance happened within the frame of “Biegungen im Ausland”, Berlin. 4th of October 2019

In celebration of (more!) women in New Music and composition arts, a silk screen-printed edition of “Pandemic Music” has been published.
While the “original copy” is not for sale, this was (sold out):

7″ single
14 compositions
Playing time: 8 min
Hand-printed cover, inner sleeve and label and handkerchief
No. of copies: 4
Art work, printing, manufacturing and everything else: Gabi Schaffner

The Garden Calls

From sunset to sunrise, 8:46 pm on the 8th of August, until 5:39 am on the 9th of August, 2019, Datscha Radio will be broadcasting directly from a Berlin allotment garden in Treptow.
What is this sound, soft as perfume, permeating the frequencies of our presence? Datscha Radio wants to find out – and calls for your radiophonic input.

Deadline: July 15, 2019
More Info:

Datscha Radio receives Award for Artistic Project Spaces and Initiatives

Datscha Radio has been honoured with a prize for artistic project spaces and initiatives. The State Secretary for Culture, Dr. Torsten Wöhlert, has awarded a total of 20 initiatives, which were nominated by an independent
jury. An endowment of 37,000 euros will be awarded to each project. The award ceremony will be held on the 13th of September, 2019, as part of the Berlin Art Week.