[Geschichten aus dem Kopf”] I worked as a traveling storyteller (mainly) between 2000 and 2010 with performances in Ireland, Iceland, Poland, Finland and Germany. Stories ranged from odd fairy tales and myths (Finland, Mongolia, Inuit) and science fiction (Lovecraft, Ballard) to classical literature (Gogol, Mishima) and Japanese movies.

All stories are told without notes at hand. The choice depends on my taste for the difficult, the ambiguous, for black humor and definitely the challenge to remember them at all. The performance can take place anywhere; length of a set: 30-60 min.
Excerpt of Program 2000-2004:
2000 Die Töterinnen; Nacherzählung eines japanischen Spielfilms. Schilleroper, Hamburg [The Samurai Killers; Remembered after a Japanese Movie. ] Das Röhricht; Kurzgeschichten von Mohammed Mrabet. Offener Kanal, Hamburg [The reed; Short Stories by Mohammed Mrabet] 2001 Fermats letzter Satz; Nacherzählung eines Dokumentarfilms über den englischen Mathematiker Andrew Wiles. HfbK, Hamburg [Fermat’s last Sentence; Remembered after a TV documentation about the mathematician Andrew Wiles] Der bemalte Vogel; Ausschnitte des Romans von Jerzy Kosinski. Galerie Hinterconti, Hamburg [The Painted Bird; Motives taken from Jerzy Kosinski’s novel ] 2002 Die Farbe aus dem All u.a.; SF von H.P. Lovecraft und Cordwainer Smith. Zakk, Bremen [The Colour from Space; Selected stories by H. P. Lovecraft and Cordwainer Smith] In Dieter Roths Chair, The Pearl, Space Tales; Diverse Erzählprojekte in Reykjavik, Seydisfjördur und Skriduklaustur. Island, Juli – Oktober Various Storytelling projects on Iceland, July till October. Travelling Storyteller. Inuit- und mongolische Märchen, Kurzgeschichten aus Japan von Yukio Mishima; 11. Dez,. Mousonturm, Frankfurt [Inuit and Mongolian Folk Tales; Short stories by Yukio Mishima ] 2003 Ode to Dust. Spoken Word Performance; Lobo, Texas/USA Im Dunkel der Nacht. Ausgewählte Krimis von Cornell Woolrich; Kaskadenkondensator, Basel [In the Dark of the Night; Selected crime stories by Cornell Woolrich] Die Perle. Kurzgeschichten aus Japan von Yukio Mishima und Yasunari Kawabata; Goto, Frankfurt [The Pearl; Short stories from Yukio Mishima and Yasunari Kawabata ] 2004 Finnische Märchen. Galerie Hinterconti, Hamburg. [Finnish Fairy Tales] Im Dunkel der Nacht. Mehr ausgewählte Krimis von Cornell Woolrich; Schilleroper, Hamburg [In the Dark of the Night. More selected crime stories] |