Exhibition at Ordinary Music Archives Budapest, Dec. 1
Videowork: Micro Arboreta. 12 videos about plantscapes in the Botanic Garden of Vácrátót, Hungary
Performance: Turing a Leaf. 16:37 min. LowFi Loop #5
Mimeograph printings: 4 works on paper.
Many thanks to Nikolaus Gerszewski for hosting me and to the Hungarian Writers Association that facilitated the residency at the Botanic Garden Vácrátót.
Here are some images… and a poem.

Red is a language
without words.
It spells in colour.
Red in the language
of berries and birds
means food.
Red is persuasion.
Warning Permeation
Permutation Invasion
Red is a loud sound
screaming maybe
if eyes were ears.
Birds are good with reds.
They know the hues
and the rules.
Humans fall prey
to red, easily.
Blood and tears.
Red fruit and seeds
are carried far
traveling in the bowels
across borders and continents
Red keeps spreading
like joy
like war
Persuaded to weave wreaths,
or decorate our homes
Or our loved ones
We fall for red. And always will.