Tag Archives: Annette Gloser

Gyumri Archives on Mixcloud

Datscha Radio’s 3hour show “The Gardens of Gyumri” can now be accessed on Mixcloud!
Additionally you will find three recorded talks about Armenian ecology and plant life:

– A Walk through the Seed Bank, Yerevan Botanic Garden. With Anush Nersesyan, leading researcher, Head of the «Seed Bank of Armenian Flora & Ex Situ Conservation in Living Collections» Research Group

– My Forest Armenia. With André Gumuchdjian, a Belgian-Armenian philanthropist and entrepreneur. He is also the founder and director of the board of the NGO My Forest Armenia

– Plant Diversity in Armenia. With Alla Aleksanyan, Head of the Chair of Plant Diversity and Ecosystem Studies, Botanic Institute in Yerevan

Song For Gretchen

Stereo installation for 2 mono speakers in 2 birdhouses. “Song for Gretchen” was created within the frame of the Frankfurt “Osterspaziergang”. Contrary to the wide reception of Goethe’s famous “Easterwalk” poem, the attention is directed towards the biography of Susanna Margareta Brandt who was sentenced to death under the accusation of murdering her child.

The 16th of April 2018 found Faust’s poor Gretchen singing in the garden of the Willemer Häuschen in Frankfurt/Main: On occasion of Easter celebrations and Goethe’s famous “Easter Walk” poem the curators Annette Gloser and Robert Bock invited 11 artists to create art works along a historical parcours of Frankfurt’s Goethian landmarks. In an adaption of the old German kitchen song „Mariechen saß weinend im Garten“ Shanti Suki Osman’s and Ulrike Stoehring’s voices sounded out into the place where Goethe met Marianne von Willemer in 1814.