Tag Archives: Ernst Markus Stein

Oscillations Festival, Q-O2, May 1-4


Datscha Radio is pleased to announce its participation in the Oscillations Festival ::: The Weather, Brussels. Organized by the arts laboratory for experimental music and sound art Q-O2.

The shows will be organized and realised by Gabi Schaffner and Markus Stein.

Datscha Radio at Marais Wiels et al
Two days of radio expeditions are planned, that will explore the soundscapes each in a different locations:
The Wiels marsh is a natural but accidental body of water in the heart of the urban center where nature has regained its rights after 10 years of abandonment of the site.
Datscha Radio’s second location with be in a nearby park, also with a bodies of water in the vicinity.

Workshop “Au travers du miroir”
Not yet confirmed but metaphorically in the air is a workshop about the plants of the Wiels swamp lands in cooperation with the local community center, by Ms Schaffner. We will “oscillate’ between micro plant scapes, memory and the seismology of our drawing hands.

“Das reisende Gartenradio” on Ö1, July 25

Datscha Radio is pleased to announce a new radio production for the Austrian Broadcast Station Ö1

Kunst zum Hören presents:
The Traveling Garden Radio
Thursday 25th 2024, 11:03 pm

Lan: DE; EN
Supervisor: Elisabeth Zimmermann

Gabi Schaffner has created two 20-minute collages for Kunst zum Hören. The first takes us to Altenburg in Thuringia in the summer of 2023, where Datscha Radio sent its field research into the ether several times.
The second block dives into geographically more distant horticultural
worlds of sound. A conversation between Elisabeth Zimmermann and the artist will provide further insights into the traveling garden radio and the practice of world gardening.

For more info/text/more about “Kunst zum Hören” as well as for listening to the show, please go to: https://oe1.orf.at/programm/20240725/765587/Ein-Garten-zwischen-Giesskanne-und-Mischpult


Datscha Radio in Altenburg

Team: Gabi Schaffner, Ernst Markus Stein, Helen Thein

Beiträge: Spaziergang zur Elisabethquelle – Wolfgang Paritzsch; Der Historische Laubengarten – Grit Martinez und Chris Junk; Gärten in der Ukraine – Gartengemeinschaft Einheit.

Gartengeschichte in Altenburg – Christine Nienhold; Unser Gemeinschaftsgarten – Anonym; Licht und Sterne – Frank Vohla; Laubengang – Gabi Schaffner, Ernst Markus Stein.

Marmeladenverkostung – Gartengäste; Bodenspuren – Marcus-Andreas Mohr; Zieräpfel – Tina-Marie Friedrich; Apfel-Boccia – alle; Gärten der Zukunft – Grit Martinez.

Open Call Tracks: Apfel Birne Quitte – Tiger Stangl; Samensinfonie. Aus dem Leben eines Kerns – Ian Joyce, Tiger Stangl

Musiken/Sampling/Mixe: Ernst Markus Stein. Jingle Streuobst unter Verwendung von „Frau Holle“ – Goldmarie

Field Recordings: Gabi Schaffner

Datscha Radio International

Datscha Radio Ii, 2022

Team: Tina- Marie Friedrich, Gabi Schaffner

Beiträge: Towards Atmospheric Care – Hanna Husberg und Agata Marzecovas; Kilimandscharo – Inari Virmakoski; The River Ii Bridge – Tina-Marie Friedrich; Weather Changes – Heli Paaso-Rantala; Cloud Engineering – Filips Stanislavskis

Open Call Tracks: Love is in the Air – Jaakko Autio; On The Inhale – Elisabeth Shores

Datscha Radio Taipei, 2019

Team: Gabi Schaffner, Gabriel de Seta

Beiträge: Waste Culture – Margareth Shiu/Bamboo Curtain Studio, Mark van Tongeren, Hauyu Yang; Listening Culture – Laila Fan; Praying Machine Hacks – Lu Yi mit Gabriel de Seta; Listening Culture Reprise – Laila Fan

Musiken: Sea Waste 7.0 – Ken Yu; Praying Machine – Lu Yi

Field Recordings: Gabi Schaffner

Datscha Radio Madrid, 2018

Team: Gabi Schaffner, Maite Camacho/InSonora Artist Collective, Victor Jara/MediaLab Prado

Beiträge: Esta es Una Plaza – Alberto Peralta; Plant Sensor Music – Joaquin Diaz, KTA Martin; El Hospital de las Plantas – Óscar Domínguez mit Eva Kurly; Retiro Garden – Daniel Horcajo; The Batan Community Garden – Irene Prins

Musiken: 9 Olas – Carolina Carubba; Plant Music – Joaquin Diaz, KTA Martin; Atomic Garden – Alberto Garcia.