Category Archives: Allgemein

Oscillations Festival, Q-O2, May 1-4


Datscha Radio is pleased to announce its participation in the Oscillations Festival ::: The Weather, Brussels. Organized by the arts laboratory for experimental music and sound art Q-O2.

The shows will be organized and realised by Gabi Schaffner and Markus Stein.

Datscha Radio at Marais Wiels et al
Two days of radio expeditions are planned, that will explore the soundscapes each in a different locations:
The Wiels marsh is a natural but accidental body of water in the heart of the urban center where nature has regained its rights after 10 years of abandonment of the site.
Datscha Radio’s second location with be in a nearby park, also with a bodies of water in the vicinity.

Workshop “Au travers du miroir”
Not yet confirmed but metaphorically in the air is a workshop about the plants of the Wiels swamp lands in cooperation with the local community center, by Ms Schaffner. We will “oscillate’ between micro plant scapes, memory and the seismology of our drawing hands.


Ms Schaffner is happy to work within the frame of the climate anxiety project “ResonanzLab” at the art association Global Forest.

The ResonanzLab opens up a creative space for artists to work on site with people in the Lake Constance region and specifically focus on their approach to climate change.

The ResonanzLab explores artistic strategies and inclusive communications, shared feelings, visions and hopes that may express themselves in language and sound, call and response, echo and vibration: visually, collectively, aurally, on site and in motion.

Gabi Schaffner & Tintin Patrone Interview
Photo: Tim Huys

Our artist in residence is Tintin Patrone. Information about her doings here in the Black Forest you can find on

Current information about the upcoming workshops with poet Dirk Huelstrunk and radio artist Marold Langer-Philippsen is available in the same spot.

The ResonanzLab is a co-operation project of the Furtwangen University (HFU), the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and the Global Forest art association. The ResonanzLab project is funded by the Science Network Four-Country Region Lake Constance with funds from the Interreg VI Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein programme.

Roaminale #3: Tales of Molecules and Light

“Tales of Molecules and Light” will be shown during the Rominale #3 film festival in Berlin on Feb. 23. All movies were filmed in November 2023 at the Botanic Garden in Vácrátót, Hungary. The series comprises 16 videos, this exhibition presents four of them.


Camera, text, sound, and editing: Gabi Schaffner
Additional samples/contributions:
Centerfold: Granular sound – lucyp123, 2021
In the Mountains: Prepared piano – Elo Masing, 2023
Lotus Receiver: Earth nose whistler recorded in stereo by Cluster 3 and 4 – Space Audio cc
Persuasion: Analogue Birds – Sarah Washington 2014; Piano – Anonymous, Finland 2008

Roaminale #3 screen is a screening weekend event dedicated to audiovisual artworks and moving images. The aim of Roaminale is to bring further visibility to works of various topics of concern and as well artistic creativity within distinguishable visions of each participant. Roaminale #3 screen is the third event in the series and is showing a selection of short films and video art in a variety of genres. The screening will take place parallel at roam project space and online.

Location: roam project space, Lindenstraße 91, 10969 Berlin & website

Time: Doors open at 6 pm; screening starts at 7 pm

  • Gaia’s Secret Passages
    Peeter Laurits, Martin Rästa, Kaiko Lipsmäe
  • Kömlődi Lösz \ Yellow Soil of Kömlőd
    Nemmivoltunk crew! \ We didn’t do it Crew!
  • Eliminated archive
    Polina Shcherbyna
  • On Ugodnichestvo
    Yelyzaveta Burtseva
  • Stories about Molecules and Light. 4 out of 16 videos
    Gabi Schaffner
  • New Year, New Me
    Robin Ellis Meta
  • Nothing
  • Silver Bullet
    Holger Loodus
  • Habitat
    Peeter Laurits, Maido Hollo
  • Carnaval Caimanera
    Nathalie Grenzhaeuser
  • Powerplant – What Gives You Energy?
    Miina Barrera Pinochet, Lucia Westphal, Gahee Chung
  • Where to start?
    Vasylysa Shchogoleva
  • Wind in den Füßen \ Wind in the feet
    Kirstin Burckhardt, Nicole Wendel
  • Shadow feeling
    Louiza Andrus
  • Lioba von den Driesch
    ;paranoia publishing
  • Kiwa
    Second Earth
  • Ivar Veermäe
    Wild Hunt
  • Alexei Gordin
    Harm Contradiction
  • Julian Larger
    The Browse
  • Sten Saarits
    Gate X
  • Lioba von den Driesch
    Water Rises
  • Peeter Laurits, sound: Ann Reimann
    Fog of War
  • Anna Manankina
    Scattered and Found Files
  • Kelli Gedvil, sound: Natalia Wójcik
    am i a joke to you
  • Kristen Rästas
    last supper
  • Lioba von den Driesch
    30 Years of Optimism
  • Alexandru Mihai Budeș, Lisa Marie Schmitt

Beyond Listening. Agency, Art and the Environment.

Photo by Milos Vojtechovsky

Radio Practice as Experimental Ethnology

As part of the Cense (Central European Network of Sonic Ecologies) symposium program “Beyond Listening” Datscha Radio’s approach to experimental ethnography was presented.

Next to decidedly experimental settings (“NightGardening”, Berlin 2019), Datscha Radio engages in cross-cultural garden research and broadcasted from Spain (2018), Taiwan (2019), and most recently, Finland (Art Biennial Ii, “Air on Air”, 2022). The project also sprouts radiophonic solo off-shoots exploring seasonal states of mind (KAAMOS Radio, Finland 2021) or topographies (Harakka Island Radio, Finland 2023). In my lecture, I introduced several of Datscha Radio’s abroad iterations and discussed the perspectives of nomadic radio stations as havens of situated knowledge.

Audio examples taken from interviews about plant care work with:
Subrabha Seshan (Gurukula, Botanic Sanctuary, India 2017)
Eva Kurly with Oscar Domínguez (Hospital de Plantas, Spain 2018)

Turning a Leaf. Video and sound work, mimeographs. OMA, Budapest

Exhibition at Ordinary Music Archives Budapest, Dec. 1

Videowork: Micro Arboreta. 12 videos about plantscapes in the Botanic Garden of Vácrátót, Hungary

Performance: Turing a Leaf. 16:37 min. LowFi Loop #5

Mimeograph printings: 4 works on paper.

Many thanks to Nikolaus Gerszewski for hosting me and to the Hungarian Writers Association that facilitated the residency at the Botanic Garden Vácrátót.

Here are some images… and a poem.


Red is a language
without words.
It spells in colour.

Red in the language
of berries and birds
means food.

Red is persuasion.

                   Warning Permeation
Permutation Invasion

Red is a loud sound
screaming maybe
if eyes were ears.

Birds are good with reds.
They know the hues
and the rules.

Humans fall prey

              to red, easily.
Blood and tears.

Red fruit and seeds
are carried far

          traveling in the bowels
across borders and continents

Red keeps spreading

         like joy
like war

Persuaded to weave wreaths,
or decorate our homes

                 Or our loved ones

We fall for red. And always will.

07.11.2022 Gwaith Sŵn’s Sonic Darts: LoFiLoop

“Hi Gabi

Many thanks for submitting your work to Sonic Darts. I’m pleased to say we’ve included your track, LoFi Loop, in the next show, to be broadcast at 10pm GMT on Monday 7th November 2022 and repeated at 6am on the following Sunday. The show will be broadcast on Resonance FM via 104.4FM in London and online at, and simulcast on DAB+ via Resonance Extra. It will also be available to stream after the broadcast on the Resonance FM mixcloud

We will also be posting about the show on our facebook and twitter accounts: @gwaithswn.”

Radio Art Zone!

22 hours of radio art per day, all by a world-wide community of renowned radio artists. I am honored to have been invited to contribute: You can listen to the 22-chapters of {A Wave Novel} here.
The piece was broadcast on the 28th of June 2022.

RadioArtZone was a 100 day festival
A radio art project by Radio ARA and Mobile Radio
for the European Capital of Culture Esch 2022

Imagine a radio that sounds different every day…

Radio Art Zone is a 100-day radio art station for Esch2022,
which will be broadcast in the south of Luxembourg by
Radio ARA on 87.8 FM. It will also be live-streamed for a
worldwide audience and transmitted by a network of
international partners.

The Radio Art Zone schedule consists of two daily
programmes: newly-commissioned 22-hour radio productions
created by more than 100 international and local artists, and
2-hour live shows from kitchens in the community.

Additionally Radio Art Zone offers artist residencies,
workshops, youth productions plus interventions in public
space, opening up participatory opportunities for residents
and visitors to the Capital of Culture region.

…welcome to the zone where radio and art mix freely!

The Lion Dreams Of Hunting

Ms Schaffner is pleased to announce that her composition “The Lion Dreams Of Hunting” forms part of EARLID’s latest online exhibition of 12 pieces about dreamscapes, THE DREAM HAD ME: Get lured into your favourite lucid state!

Quick update: THE DREAM HAD ME will be broadcast by Wave Farm in May 2020. More info in short notice.

Thank you for including my work, Joan Schuman.

DIe kleinere Verpuffung

Warum Frankfurts Stadtteil Fechenheim früher 56 Vereine hatte, weshalb die dortige Hühnerfarm keine ist und was es sonst mit kleineren Verpuffungen so auf sich hat, das weiß alles Harry Hoppe.

hr 2019 | 35 Min. | Erstsendung
[“A Smaller Deflagration”: Translation not available]

1950 zugezogen als “Eingeplackter”, betätigt er sich in Fechenheim seitdem als Berater, Seniorensicherheitsbeauftragter, Blumengießer, Vereinsgründer und vieles mehr. Die in Berlin lebende Performerin und Radiomacherin Gabi Schaffner, 1965 in Frankfurt geboren und in Fechenheim aufgewachsen, lässt in ihrem Hessen-Hören-Stück den Klang ihrer ersten Heimat vor allem durch Harry Hoppe erzählen, ummantelt, über- und untermalt durch Vor-Ort-Geräusche. Der Dank der Autorin gilt: Harald Hoppe, Richard Schaffner, dem Verein Vereinigte Geflügelzüchter 1897 und dem Tierschutzverein Frankfurt und Umgebung von 1841.

Sendung: hr2-kultur, The Artist’s Corner, 11.01.2020, 23:00 Uhr.

The Scented Lichen

With Julia Drouhin (France/Tasmania). A weird story and a weirder sound piece. Based on several failed experiments in the transposition of plant’s chemical ingredients into random melody, lost and found field recordings and the sound and scents of a waffle iron. (Lan: F) 18 min.

“La Lichen Parfumée” was broadcast as part of’s # 760 transmission “Of seeds and lichen” (with Kate Donovan) in October 2019. Production: Verena Kuni, radio x, Frankfurt

Listen here: