Datscha Radio is pleased to announce its participation in the Oscillations Festival ::: The Weather, Brussels. Organized by the arts laboratory for experimental music and sound art Q-O2.
The shows will be organized and realised by Gabi Schaffner and Markus Stein.
Datscha Radio at Marais Wiels et al
Two days of radio expeditions are planned, that will explore the soundscapes each in a different locations:
The Wiels marsh is a natural but accidental body of water in the heart of the urban center where nature has regained its rights after 10 years of abandonment of the site.
Datscha Radio’s second location with be in a nearby park, also with a bodies of water in the vicinity.
Workshop “Au travers du miroir”
Not yet confirmed but metaphorically in the air is a workshop about the plants of the Wiels swamp lands in cooperation with the local community center, by Ms Schaffner. We will “oscillate’ between micro plant scapes, memory and the seismology of our drawing hands.