Tag Archives: Verena Kuni

Leimfliegenfänger [Fly Ribbons]. Wallstein 2024

New !

My essay on fly ribbons and their entanglement with the human world will form part of a new book titled “39 Small Things Between the Species. Keywords for a more-than-human world.”

In: Borgards, Roland, Frederike Felcht, Verena Kuni, Frederike Middelhoff, Robert Pütz und Antje Schlottmann (Hrsg.): 39 Kleinigkeiten zwischen den Arten. Von Fliegenfängern und Katzenklappen. Stichworte zu einer mehr-als-menschlichen Welt.
Göttingen, Wallstein. 2024

Illustration: Gabi Schaffner. Critter #8. 2023. Gouache on paper.

“Von den vielfältigen Beziehungen zwischen den Arten erzählen in diesem interdisziplinären Buch unter anderem ein flauschiger Teddybär, ein kühler Weinkeller und klebrige Spinnenfäden. Ausgehend von oft unscheinbaren Akteur:innen wird gezeigt, wie das naturkulturelle Verhältnis von mehr-als-menschlichen Gesellschaften fortlaufend neu bestimmt und gestaltet wird. Die Autor:innen schlagen vor, menschliche Sichtweisen zu dezentrieren und sich für das Eigenleben anderer Arten zu öffnen. Dabei nutzen sie die Brillen ihrer jeweiligen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, um über diese hinauszublicken und weiterführende Perspektiven aufzuzeigen.” Text: Book info, courtesy Wallstein Verlag 2023

The Scented Lichen

With Julia Drouhin (France/Tasmania). A weird story and a weirder sound piece. Based on several failed experiments in the transposition of plant’s chemical ingredients into random melody, lost and found field recordings and the sound and scents of a waffle iron. (Lan: F) 18 min.

“La Lichen Parfumée” was broadcast as part of radia.fm’s # 760 transmission “Of seeds and lichen” (with Kate Donovan) in October 2019. Production: Verena Kuni, radio x, Frankfurt

Listen here: http://radia.fm/2019/10/show-760-of-seeds-and-lichen-by-kate-donovan-gabi-schaffner-for-radio-x/

Datscha Radio 17

A five-day festival celebrates the future(s) of the garden and broadcasts directly from an allotment garden in the Berlin north.
In August 2017 Datscha Radio broadcast again from my garden in Berlin Pankow, with the joint support of Freie Radios Berlin Brandenburg (frbb).

Datscha Radio 17 was realised by: Gabi Schaffner, Kate Donovan, Niki Makita, Helen Thein, Suki Shanti Osman und Verena Kuni.

Studio Support: Studio Ansage, Pi Radio (both FRBB)

With “Plots and Prophecies – Parzellenprognosen” Datscha Radio 17 created an interdisdiplinary program broadcast 24/5 from the 25th – 29th August 2017 – on stream, via micro FM and on selected days on 88.4 (90.7 in Potsdam). Aligned with the length of the festival, the radio makers, artists and guests focused on five subject areas:

  • Hortus Politicus
  • Symbioses
  • Biotopes in Future Perfect
  • Birds and Bees
  • Subterranean Meditations

The process of radio making – otherwise quite a hidden event – became transparent in the Datscha’s winter garden and outside studio transforming the privacy of the garden into a public space for art and communication. Datscha Radio 17 was supported by the Pankow Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur and the Hans and Charlotte Krull Foundation. The format “Midday Discussion” was developed in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation Berlin. Streaming support came from Udo Noll, aporee.org.

Complete documentation available here.
Press articles can be viewed here.

Datscha Radio – a garden in the air

“To create a garden for listening and international cooperation which appeals to all of the senses – this is the aim of Datscha Radio”

Datscha Radio 2012 was an art and culture project conceived of together with net activist Pit Schultz and Verena Kuni (Radio and Visual Media, Goethe University Frankfurt). We broadcast 24/8 around the clock on 24th – 31st of August on stream on datscharadio.de, via micro transmission in the garden and on 24th, 25th and 26th August from 8pm on on reboot.fm/88.4 FM Berlin.

Garden culture and Berlin culture belong together. The garden colony of the “Einigkeit” (Unitiy) was established as early as 1915. Less than 200 m from this garden and until 1989, ran the Berlin Wall that separated the Eastern “Rosenthal” from the Western “Maerkisches Viertel”. The “Datscha” (summerhouse) in the allotment garden No 665 was built in the mid-60s and has a floor space of approx. 60 sq.. The garden has 600 sq.. There are four patches for growing vegetables, two big flower beds, and several fruit trees on the lawn. Our radio program integrated local and international protagonists, artists, musicians, poets and guests.

Datscha Radio’s concept of “A Garden in the Air” extended on a variety of levels and contents: Participation of neighbors, hospitality, “garden kitchen”, sound art, live concerts and events, interviews and talks. Datscha Radio acted both as a meeting place and as a space for productions of art. Participating artists in the garden: More than 50 Berlin and international composers sound artists and radio makers answered Datscha Radio’s open call. Datscha Radio was realized with the support of the Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur, Pankow. The project was realised in cooperation with the Berlin artist radio reboot.fm.

A complete documentation (bilingual) is available on: Datscha Radio – 8 Days of Summer Garden Radio

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