Tag Archives: Marold Langer-Philippsen


Ms Schaffner is happy to work within the frame of the climate anxiety project “ResonanzLab” at the art association Global Forest.

The ResonanzLab opens up a creative space for artists to work on site with people in the Lake Constance region and specifically focus on their approach to climate change.

The ResonanzLab explores artistic strategies and inclusive communications, shared feelings, visions and hopes that may express themselves in language and sound, call and response, echo and vibration: visually, collectively, aurally, on site and in motion.

Gabi Schaffner & Tintin Patrone Interview
Photo: Tim Huys

Our artist in residence is Tintin Patrone. Information about her doings here in the Black Forest you can find on

Current information about the upcoming workshops with poet Dirk Huelstrunk and radio artist Marold Langer-Philippsen is available in the same spot.

The ResonanzLab is a co-operation project of the Furtwangen University (HFU), the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and the Global Forest art association. The ResonanzLab project is funded by the Science Network Four-Country Region Lake Constance with funds from the Interreg VI Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein programme.

Kaamos Radio. Finland

On the invitation of the Serlachius Art Residency in Mänttä, Finland, KAAMOS RADIO staged two 14-hour long broadcasts from its mobile studio in the town of Mänttä. In collaboration with the Berlin/Bratislava artist Marold Langer-Philippsen who supported the broadcast via a 6-hour live stream dedicated to a journey to Mars, “Aelita”.

Kuunvalo nukahti ja tähdet katosivat taivaalta. Ja maa hengitti hiljaa lumen alla.
The moonlight fell asleep and the stars disappeared from the sky. And the earth breathed quietly under the snow.

A radiophonic journey into the (sub)arctic winter.

The term ‘Kaamos’ refers to the lightless period of the year (above the 60th latitude) when the sun lingers below the horizon. Kaamos is the time of darkness, of stillness and quietude and of the arctic light, a time for storytelling, contemplation and of taking a rest. A Sami legend tells us of the ‘Nest days’, because it was believed that the sun rests like an egg in its nest during that time. ‘Kaamos’ also
stands for a mental state that is difficult to endure and is also used synonymously for winter depression in Finnish culture.

The town of Mäntää-­‐Vilppula is located approximatly 180 km northeast of Tampere, on the shores of Lake Melasjärvi. It is surrounded by a sparsely populated landscape made up of forests, lakes and rivers. Temperatures in January and February go from – 20 to -­‐2 degrees Celsius. Northern lights occur at times.

KAAMOS RADIO will track both the phenomenon and variations of its inner states
-­‐ as a local radio sphere
-­‐ in field recording
-­‐ in talks with artists and musicians from the area
-­‐ via congenial guest contributions and radio streams
-­‐ as an ongoing attempt to respond to the conditions of light and temperature

-­‐ theme specific compositions
-­‐ favourite winter‐time stories
-­‐ poems and spoken word
-­‐ recordings and investigations
Please send your files via wetransfer to kaamos@datscharadio.de.
Please provide two or three lines each about the piece and yourself including a website, if possible.
Please put Kaamos Radio Contribution as a subject line.

As the project is still in its planning stage, the final dates need to be confirmed yet. Scheduled are
-­‐ Saturday, February 13, 2021
-­‐ Saturday, February 20, 2021
The length of the broadcasts is between 2 and 6 hours on the respective days.
Please submit your audio pieces until the 3rd of February 2021

KAAMOS RADIO is a temporary radio art project located at the residency studios of the Serlachius
Museum in Mänttä/Central Finland. It is initiated and maintained by the Berlin sound artist and performer Gabi Schaffner, in cooperation with Sophea Lerner (Open Radio, Helsinki), Marold Langer-Philippsen (radiolada, Bratislava) and aporee.org (Berlin)

The program will grow with the flow of the events. There is no fixed time schedule. You’ll find a list of
all participating artists on the datscharadio website in due time.
● datscharadio.de
● openradio.in (play.openradio.in/public/openradio)
● in collaboration with other radio stations and projects (if interested, please, let me know)