Datscha Radio’s 3hour show “The Gardens of Gyumri” can now be accessed on Mixcloud! Additionally you will find three recorded talks about Armenian ecology and plant life:
– A Walk through the Seed Bank, Yerevan Botanic Garden. With Anush Nersesyan, leading researcher, Head of the «Seed Bank of Armenian Flora & Ex Situ Conservation in Living Collections» Research Group
– My Forest Armenia. With André Gumuchdjian, a Belgian-Armenian philanthropist and entrepreneur. He is also the founder and director of the board of the NGO My Forest Armenia
– Plant Diversity in Armenia. With Alla Aleksanyan, Head of the Chair of Plant Diversity and Ecosystem Studies, Botanic Institute in Yerevan
Ms Schaffner is happy to work within the frame of the climate anxiety project“ResonanzLab” at the art association Global Forest.
The ResonanzLab opens up a creative space for artists to work on site with people in the Lake Constance region and specifically focus on their approach to climate change.
The ResonanzLab explores artistic strategies and inclusive communications, shared feelings, visions and hopes that may express themselves in language and sound, call and response, echo and vibration: visually, collectively, aurally, on site and in motion.
Current information about the upcoming workshops with poet Dirk Huelstrunk and radio artist Marold Langer-Philippsen is available in the same spot.
The ResonanzLab is a co-operation project of the Furtwangen University (HFU), the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and the Global Forest art association. The ResonanzLab project is funded by the Science Network Four-Country Region Lake Constance with funds from the Interreg VI Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein programme.
Already getting excited about traveling to Gyumri, Armenia in September!
On invitation of and in collaboration with the art collective Art Basis, Datscha Radio will do some radio gardening in the city of Gyumri.
The community art space and residency project is located in a building in Mush-2 district in Gyumri which houses people who have been living in temporary constructions after the 1988 earthquake. The space is imagined as an opportunity to initiate collaborative processes between the community and the visiting artists and guests. This initiative will serve as a space to engage in collective practices, experiences, initiatives and projects, art production and research and other activities in collaboration with the neighborhood.
Art Basis
The project is being supported by Culture Moves Europe and the Goethe Institute Brussels.
Datscha Radio is pleased to announce a new radio production for the Austrian Broadcast Station Ö1
Kunst zum Hören presents: The Traveling Garden Radio Thursday 25th 2024, 11:03 pm
Lan: DE; EN Supervisor: Elisabeth Zimmermann
Gabi Schaffner has created two 20-minute collages for Kunst zum Hören. The first takes us to Altenburg in Thuringia in the summer of 2023, where Datscha Radio sent its field research into the ether several times. The second block dives into geographically more distant horticultural worlds of sound. A conversation between Elisabeth Zimmermann and the artist will provide further insights into the traveling garden radio and the practice of world gardening.
Team: Gabi Schaffner, Ernst Markus Stein, Helen Thein
Beiträge: Spaziergang zur Elisabethquelle – Wolfgang Paritzsch; Der Historische Laubengarten – Grit Martinez und Chris Junk; Gärten in der Ukraine – Gartengemeinschaft Einheit.
Gartengeschichte in Altenburg – Christine Nienhold; Unser Gemeinschaftsgarten – Anonym; Licht und Sterne – Frank Vohla; Laubengang – Gabi Schaffner, Ernst Markus Stein.
Open Call Tracks: Apfel Birne Quitte – Tiger Stangl; Samensinfonie. Aus dem Leben eines Kerns – Ian Joyce, Tiger Stangl
Musiken/Sampling/Mixe: Ernst Markus Stein. Jingle Streuobst unter Verwendung von „Frau Holle“ – Goldmarie
Field Recordings: Gabi Schaffner
Datscha Radio International
Datscha Radio Ii, 2022
Team: Tina- Marie Friedrich, Gabi Schaffner
Beiträge: Towards Atmospheric Care – Hanna Husberg und Agata Marzecovas; Kilimandscharo – Inari Virmakoski; The River Ii Bridge – Tina-Marie Friedrich; Weather Changes – Heli Paaso-Rantala; Cloud Engineering – Filips Stanislavskis
Open Call Tracks: Love is in the Air – Jaakko Autio; On The Inhale – Elisabeth Shores
Datscha Radio Taipei, 2019
Team: Gabi Schaffner, Gabriel de Seta
Beiträge: Waste Culture – Margareth Shiu/Bamboo Curtain Studio, Mark van Tongeren, Hauyu Yang; Listening Culture – Laila Fan; Praying Machine Hacks – Lu Yi mit Gabriel de Seta; Listening Culture Reprise – Laila Fan
Musiken: Sea Waste 7.0 – Ken Yu; Praying Machine – Lu Yi
Field Recordings: Gabi Schaffner
Datscha Radio Madrid, 2018
Team: Gabi Schaffner, Maite Camacho/InSonora Artist Collective, Victor Jara/MediaLab Prado
Beiträge: Esta es Una Plaza – Alberto Peralta; Plant Sensor Music – Joaquin Diaz, KTA Martin; El Hospital de las Plantas – Óscar Domínguez mit Eva Kurly; Retiro Garden – Daniel Horcajo; The Batan Community Garden – Irene Prins
Musiken: 9 Olas – Carolina Carubba; Plant Music – Joaquin Diaz, KTA Martin; Atomic Garden – Alberto Garcia.
22 hours of radio art per day, all by a world-wide community of renowned radio artists. I am honored to have been invited to contribute: You can listen to the 22-chapters of {A Wave Novel} here. The piece was broadcast on the 28th of June 2022.
RadioArtZone was a 100 day festival https://radioart.zone/ A radio art project by Radio ARA and Mobile Radio for the European Capital of Culture Esch 2022
Imagine a radio that sounds different every day…
Radio Art Zone is a 100-day radio art station for Esch2022, which will be broadcast in the south of Luxembourg by Radio ARA on 87.8 FM. It will also be live-streamed for a worldwide audience and transmitted by a network of international partners.
The Radio Art Zone schedule consists of two daily programmes: newly-commissioned 22-hour radio productions created by more than 100 international and local artists, and 2-hour live shows from kitchens in the community.
Additionally Radio Art Zone offers artist residencies, workshops, youth productions plus interventions in public space, opening up participatory opportunities for residents and visitors to the Capital of Culture region.
…welcome to the zone where radio and art mix freely!
Pleased to announce that there will be a new audio walk especially designed for the Walking Tour Library that is curated by Yael Sherill and Lianne Mol.
Hello. Welcome to the audio walk of the Traffic Island Research Institute.
My name is Vivien LaGrange. I am the Head of the Department for Narrated Ecologies of the Traffic Island Research Institute and I will be your guide on this journey.
Our work deals with the specific habitats that evolve from urban traffic planning. The Institute of Traffic Island research is concerned with the ecology of narratives that form part of the islands’ psychoscapes: Pollution issues, oral history, accidents and temporal faultings, plant and animal life, and the sensification of data.
NightShadeWalk deals with unforeseen adventures on a (traffic) island and its vegetal inhabitants. Starting from the 6th of September. Ms Schaffner, aka Vivien LaGrange, director of the Institute of Traffic Island Research, will lead you onto the traffic island of Moritzplatz, Berlin.
Log bookEach artist had a boxQuestionnaire after the walkCompass and owlCollected commentsThe restorative drink Box NightShadeWalk
In September 2019, The Walking Tour Library will be the hub for a series of urban walking tours, newly conceptualized by contemporary international artists who will guide visitors through the city in an unusual and creative way. The project space* will be the organizational center of the project: here, the participating artists and their newly conceptualized paths through Berlin will be introduced in a group exhibition, and an archive of past tours and materials on the history of the urban walking tour as an artistic medium will be installed.
Mapping and contextualization of gardens in relation to our changing perceptions of “nature”, techné and “wilderness” form part of my practice since the 90s. With Datscha Radio as an additional platform for exchange and research this strain of work was still intensified.
The use of radio as a first-hand method of ethnographic investigation is unusual (but not wholly unknown). Yet it creates an invaluable output in terms of communicative exchange, archiving possibilities, sustainable artist platforms and self-empowerment. If ethnology can be termed an “actor-network” with hybrid results (Yokes, 2018), free radio (net)work(s) allows for an even wider spectrum in content and actors, from waveforms to humans to non-humans to even unanimated (do we know it?) matter. A choice of garden mappings is found here: datscharadio/worldgardening.
“Phenomena of Inner Topographies” assembles an alphabetically ordered pandemonium of texts about fictional and non-fictional landscapes and the phenomena encountered in passing through them. There are essays, poems, excerpts from own literary texts, photographs, maps and drawings. Gardens are a central theme, just as varied concepts of wilderness and getting lost. Planned as a hypertext network, the “Phenomena” also include some contributions by other artists and writers: Nathalie Grenzhaeuser, Dirk Hülstrunk, Julian Rohrhuber, Mathias Deutsch, Christine Klein, William Burroughs, Emily Dickinson…